AmerStem is a State-of-the-art Lab and Research Center specializing in creating eco-friendly solutions for nutrition, health, and medicine applications.
unlocking the power of plants
Many plants provide the key active principles used for manufacturing drugs with specific pharmaceutical applications (e.g. digoxin, codeine, atropine, quinine, vinblastine, taxol, etc.), or phytonutrients with a host of health benefits and desirable bioactivity (e.g. antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, etc.)
collagen replenishment,
wrinkle reduction
Other plants produce phytoactives with skin protection and wound healing properties that can translate into personal care products with important benefits (e.g. collagen replenishment, UV-protection, wrinkle reduction, etc.)
high in
fermentable sugars
and biofuel
Certain plants are well known for their ability to manufacture and store high concentrations of fermentable sugars and convertible biomass, providing important sources of biofuels. Biofuels are designed to replace gasoline, diesel fuel and coal. Biofuels are made mostly from plants that have just been harvested.